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  1. Membership Fees

    1. The annual membership dues set by the Board shall be a minimum of $100 per couple and $50 for widowers or widows.

    2. The fiscal year shall be from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

    3. Dues paid by member after September 1st will be assessed a late fee.

  2. Golf Outings

    1. The Executive Board shall have first priority to sign up.

    2. Golfing trips will be open first to members. Prospective members and other guests will be invited to fill openings thereafter.

    3. All outings will have an opening and closing date for sign-ups. Entries with postmarks dated before the opening date may be disqualified in the event that there is a problem of over subscription.
      1. for local events, selection will be by earliest postmark. Ties will go to the member with greatest participation.
      2. for overnight outings, selection will be determined by greatest participation in the last 12 months.

    4. Refund of fees
      1. If there is a waiting list and these on the list are still available to play, a refund will be made to the requesting couple.
      2. If there is no waiting list, the requesting couple may find another member couple to take their place or add other guests.
      3. If there are no acceptable replacements, are fund is dependent upon the Golf course, transportation company and or motel/hotel granting a refund.

  3. Handicaps

    1. Members will play with handicaps based on the lower of either Nikkei Seniors or official indices.

    2. The previous month's index will be used.

    3. Guests will golf as prospective members, but will not compete for team prizes or side pots until officially accepted as a member. (1/15/97)

    4. In games where a woman golfer plays in place of a man she will play with handicap equal to her handicap plus an adjustment of strokes equal to the differential of the course rating between men/women. (1/15/97)

  4. Tournament Rules

    1. Tournament chairperson will be appointed by the President-elect per listed responsibilities of said office.

    2. The tournament chairperson selected for that outing shall decide on the game formaformatt for the day. Their decision shall be irrevocable.

    3. Tees: In all ttournamentsurnaments, women shall play from the red tees and the men from the white tees unless the golf course has another format in the color of tees. (silver, bronze, green, etc.)

    4. Winter rules "through the green" shall be in effect all year around. Ball may be moved 6", no closer to the green. This includes the rough, not the hazards.

    5. Prizes for tied scores shall be split.

    6. Six dollars shall be collected for prize fund together with the entry fees. The $6 collected for each tournament will be disbursed at the discretion of the tournament chairperson to be applied for prize fund for the game of the day and C/Ps.

    7. Front, back and total pot shall be optional, collected independently by side pot chairpersons. Tournament chairpersons may appoint someone for this task (for determining front, back and total scores), those with odd numbered handicap will apply the extra stroke on the font or back which has the #1 handicap hole.

    8. Water Hazard or Barranca: you have the option of carrying the ball across after one attempt to clear the hazard. There will be a penalty of 1 additional stroke. (The stroke count will be one in, two out, three carry over, and so you will be hitting 4 plus the strokes you took before hitting into the hazard.) If there is a drop area on the other side of the hazard, add a stroke and hit from there. (revised 7/27/02)

    9. OB/Lost Ball: Do not go back to where you last hit the ball. A ball may be dropped at the point of entry of going out of bounds or losing the ball. Add a 2 stroke penalty to your score for that hole.

    10. Follow course rules for "environmentally sensitive areas, no entry". Check score card for local rules affecting lost balls.

    11. Water hazards: Yellow stakes, hit ball from point of entry and keep hazard between yourself and the green. Please refer to 4 H for option. Red Stakes (lateral hazards), you may go back to the teeing ground, or drop two club lengths from the point of entry or drop on the other side of the hazard, two club lengths from a point that is no closer than the original point of entry; penalty, one stroke.

    12. A 10% handicap penalty (rounded to the nearest whole number, i.e. 1.1 to 1.5 shall be 1 stroke and 1.6 to 1.9 shall be 2 strokes) will be assessed each time a player is a winner. This will be for medal play or any other type of individual play and will apply to the to the individual front, back and total pot games. This penalty will apply for 1 game. If the individual(s) wins on their next tournament, no additional penalties will be assessed, however, the 10% penalty will still apply for the next game (revised 11/11/02). The maximum penalty shall be 2 strokes (revised 7/20/03).

  5. Major Tournament: The August Major Tournament is one that the prize fund is subsidized by the Club's treasury. To be eligible, members must have participated in at least two outings in the past eleven months. Members meeting this requirement will have priority over others. Those on waiting lists for outings the past eleven months will be credited towards eligibility. (8/18/97)

  6. Hole-in-One: There will be an optional "hole-in-one" pot of $5.00 per participant. This fund shall be given to any participating member who accomplishes this feat during a Nikkei Senior Golf Tournament. All monies contributed to the hole-in-one pot by members no longer in the club shall be transferred into the general fund. Only contributions made by the present members will be awarded . (4/10/93)

  7. Gifts: No gifts will be presented to outgoing president or officers as tokens of appreciation following their terms of office. (0/2006)

  8. Changes and Amendments: Any changes or additions to these By-Laws and Rules and Regulations may be made upon petition by members to the Executive Board.

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